There’s a better way to buy insurance and manage risk.
When your traditional insurance broker’s income is directly linked to the amount of premium you pay, how can you trust they’re doing what’s best for you?
The short answer is you can’t.
While you’re trying to contain or reduce your insurance-related expenses, commission-driven brokers have an incentive to increase your premium wherever possible. As insurance rates rise, traditional brokers have way too much control over the insurance process and pricing—often at your expense.
As a customer, you’re left powerless to accept the costs without fully understanding how and why your policy was priced the way it was.
Altus Corporate Risk has changed that.
We put control back in your hands by eliminating commission. You pay a flat annual risk management fee based on the comprehensive services you get from us, not how much premium you pay.
With transparency and leverage, you can get what you need without the sales pitch
Where there is no commission, there is no conflict—something we call the Power of Objectivity.